Saturday, September 12, 2009

What Political Party am I?

I am really confused, I feel lost within my own Country. I need someone to help me out here, What Political Party am I?

Let me bring you up to speed here a little. I was born & raised a Democrat, everyone I can ever remember in our family and our friends seemed to always give me the impression that being a Democrat with pretty much moderate ideas was the way to go. Anyway over my younger adult life I donated to the DNC and to any local politician that I felt I wanted in office. I thought or I seemed to think I was right with my beliefs but then came the years of Jimmy Carter & Clan. I think I started drifting a little about then. Then Bill & Hillary came North from Arkansas... I really think after all the land grabbing, getting in bed with China and Bill's numerous outlandish escapades and of course Hillary and her save the world attitude --- I Ran, I ran fast to the Republican side and you know I felt pretty much at peace with myself. I think I have always been far more to the Right than I really knew.

Bush #1, I really admire that man, I enjoy listening to him and his wife Barbara. GHW's years in the White House I thought were pretty good. I really had only one problem and that was with our open border to the South but I decided their was more to it than I probably realized.

Bush #2, This is where most of you are going to jump all over me. I like G.W. and Laura,, I enjoyed his speeches - sure they weren't uptownish like O'slick Willy but you know he was sincere in his ideas and beliefs. My big, no make that huge problem was the border to the South and it just keeps eating at me because of the times we are living in, How can any President not close that border, put a stop to all the Illegal Immigration? I do not Understand! I think that one huge issue pulled me away from GW.

Obama, - - - - ---- This Person Scares the Hell out of Me! If I had my way, BHO would be facing charges of Treason against the People of the USA, plotting to over throw the Government of the USA, Being an Illegal Alien and lying about it to assume the office of President of the USA. This List could go on and on...

HELP ME! You have figured out I claim to be a Republican that leans Right quite a ways, okay I am going to list what I want, maybe you can tell me which Political Party is most apt to give it to me:
I want my Party to close borders and at all cost.
I want my Government to take the Illegal Alien Situation serious and remove all of them. No Amnesty, REMOVE, Let them come back Legally.
I want to shrink gov, We don't need the Federal Government involved with our lives in every aspect.
I want my Government to support the Constitution not look for ways around it.
I want my Government to support our military and not cut moral and funds to such dangerous levels.
I want my Government to fight terror all over the world before it can hurt us again at home like 9-11.. There is no place on the planet for terrorism..
I want my Government to support the Christian way of life the founding fathers meant for us.. I want God in our Schools and everyday life.
I hate Green, nobody has proven anything factual on this Al Gore crap..
Racists?? The only Racists I see are the ones screaming racism.
I certainly don't buy this Politically Correctness Crap. If we can't make fun with each other and keep some humor in our everyday life, then we are heading right back here.

Okay, What Political Party am I looking for? Who is going to be more likely to provide me the Government I am looking for?

I have talked with several people that feel the way I do and they don't have any answers either..
What Party am I? What Political Group is going to fill this void?

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