Thursday, July 30, 2009

AARP jumping in bed with Obamas HealthPlan

I am so damn mad I can't even think straight.. I heard yesterday on the news where the AARP was putting all their support into Obamas HealthPlan; Lock, Stock and Barrel.. Today my AARP NewsLetter arrived and confirmed what I had heard.

I am going to Copy & Paste my letter to them and their reply to me here in my blog for anyone to read.

After reading their reply, what I got out of it is they are going to do whatever they want, if I don't like it I can cancel my subscription so I don't have to read about it. Another example of organizations that started out with good intentions but have gotten to big and corrupt within themselves.


I myself being a Senior Citizen find that I am totally fed up with AARP and their personal views on politics and then using that idea as if it comes from the membership.

I cancelled my membership a few years ago for that exact reason, then it was about Gun Control... Recently I was starting to get weak in the head and thinking about joining again but Thank God you pulled this latest shenanigan and I won't have to go thru it again.
When I heard yesterday that the AARP had put their weight into Obamas healthplan I kind of thought I heard it wrong but thanks for setting it straight. I am from a rural town in MT. and have talked with a lot of people, Seniors and the younger crowd and I fail to find ONE person in support of this healthplan...

You people are all on the verge of throwing this Great Country into medieval times once again. I just want you to know that I will be active in getting as many Seniors to turn against you as I can.Your personal politics & gains have no business in a organization supposedly setup for improving our life style.

Larry Isle

Thank you for contacting AARP and replying to our activist email. This issue has resulted in an unprecedented volume of response and we appreciate your interest. AARP values all opinions shared by our members and others, and your feedback helps shape our position on this issue.

While we would like to respond personally to each and everycommunication, we are unable to do so at this time. For those of you expressing your support, we thank you. Should you disagree, we respect and value your position. If you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future email of this nature, we suggest you use the following link:
If your communication is of a different nature, please reply to this email and one of our agents will be more than happy to assist you. Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time and we appreciate your interest on the issue of Health Care Reform.

Americans, if you are against this _________ man(can't think of a name that would be allowed) and his corrupt cronies ruining our Country. We damn well better get busy and fight these people with all we have until the last breath.

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